The PRO-LEVEL works on the principle that water will equalize to the same level across a connected conduit, whether in the natural environment or a pipe/tube. The Pro-Level applies this principle to measure elevations differentials across horizontal surfaces. The diagram at the right displays how this is done. The stand with the reservoir is set at any location, and defines the static base level. A reading is made on the scaled pipette on the stadia at the first survey point and then moved to the second location and read again. The elevation differential is the difference between the two readings.
The PRO-LEVEL has been designed to survey both floors and other surfaces, and for other construction purposes such as setting forms or measuring grades. The diagram to the left displays one of the beneficial capabilities of a water level and that is the ability to accurately measure elevations behind obstructions such as walls inside buildings. Measuring a multitude of points across a space can be used to develop a floor contour map as shown.
This relative floor elevation contour map was developed by recording numerous survey points throughout the interior of this residential building.
Explanation of how water levels like the Pro-Level Manometer work.